15 On-Page SEO Techniques

15 On-Page SEO Techniques to Boost Your Rankings in 2024

Are you trying to figure out how to rank higher on search engines but feel lost in all the SEO jargon? Don’t worry—you’re not alone! On-page SEO can seem difficult at first, but once you understand the basics, it becomes much easier. In this guide, we’ll explore 15 practical on-page SEO techniques that you can start using today. These methods will help you improve your site’s visibility and rankings on Google.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your skills, this guide is for you. Let’s get started!

Understanding On-Page SEO

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to everything you can do on your website to improve its rankings on search engines like Google. This includes optimising your content, titles, and even the structure of your website.

In simple terms: it’s what you control directly to make sure Google understands what your page is about. The better Google understands, the higher your chances of ranking well!

Key Components of On-Page Optimization

Let’s break it down. On-page SEO involves several components:

  • Content Quality: Your content should be valuable and relevant to your readers.
  • Keyword Placement: Use important keywords naturally throughout your content (more on that later).
  • Meta Tags: These are brief descriptions of your page, which help search engines and users know what your page is about.
  • Headings: Organise your content with clear headings so it’s easy to read.
  • Internal Linking: This is when you link to other pages within your site to improve navigation and guide users.

Meta Tags
Meta tags are snippets of text that describe the content of a webpage. They don’t appear on the page itself but are embedded in the HTML code. The most common meta tags are:

  • Title Tag: The title of a webpage, which appears in search engine results and browser tabs.
  • Meta Description: A brief summary of the page content, shown in search results below the title tag. It should be engaging and include relevant keywords.

Headings are used to structure content on a webpage. They help both users and search engines understand the organisation of the content. The main types are:

  • H1 (Heading 1): The main title of the page, which should include the primary keyword and be unique to each page.
  • H2 (Heading 2): Subtitles or section headings under the H1. They break down the content into manageable sections.
  • H3 (Heading 3): Sub-sections under H2 headings, used for further organisation within the sections.

Internal Linking
Internal linking refers to linking one page of your website to another page within the same site. This technique helps:

  • Navigation: Users can easily find related content and navigate your site.
  • SEO: Search engines use internal links to understand the structure of your site and distribute page authority throughout your site. For example, linking from a blog post to a related article or product page enhances the overall SEO of your site.

Conducting Keyword Research

Finding the Right Keywords

To get your page to rank well, you need to figure out what people are searching for. This process is called keyword research. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find keywords relevant to your content.

Tip: Start with a few primary keywords and add some secondary ones to capture more traffic. These secondary keywords are often variations of the main keyword.

Here is a tutorial on how to use Google Keyword Planner.

Integrating Keywords Naturally

Once you have your keywords, use them naturally throughout your content. Avoid keyword stuffing—don’t repeat the same keyword too many times just to rank. It can hurt your rankings and make your content hard to read.

Example: If your main keyword is “on-page SEO techniques,” use it in your title, headings, and occasionally throughout the content. You can also mix it up by using related phrases like “SEO tips for better ranking.”

Creating SEO-Friendly Titles and Meta Descriptions

Writing Interesting Titles

Your title is the first thing a user (and Google) will notice. Make sure it grabs attention and includes your primary keyword. Keep it under 60 characters, so it doesn’t get cut off in search results.

Example: Instead of just “On-Page SEO Tips,” try something like “Boost Your SEO: 15 Proven On-Page Techniques for 2024.”

Optimising Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions summarise your page in about 150-160 characters. Think of it as your page’s sales pitch. Including your primary keyword here can help increase click-through rates (CTR) when users see your page in search results.

Optimising Headings and Subheadings

Proper Heading Structure

Headings are like the backbone of your page. Use them to break up your content, making it easier for both readers and search engines to navigate.

  • H1: This is your main heading (usually your title).
  • H2: Subheadings that break up major sections.
  • H3: Sub-subheadings used for further breakdowns.

Always include your primary keyword in the H1, and where relevant, in H2 or H3.

Creating User-Friendly Headings

Headings should make sense and give the reader a quick idea of what’s coming next. Don’t just use them for SEO—think about the reader first.

Enhancing Content Quality and Relevance

Writing Engaging Content

Great content is key to on-page SEO. Your articles should be helpful, interesting, and relevant. Longer content (usually 1,000+ words) tends to rank better because it provides more value to the reader.

Personal Tip: I once worked with a small business that improved their online sales by 50% within 3 months, just by focusing on these on-page techniques. It’s amazing what the right content can do!

Keeping Content Fresh

Search engines love fresh content. Regularly updating your older posts can boost rankings and keep your audience engaged.

Tip: Review and refresh your content every few months to ensure it remains accurate and up-to-date.

Implementing Internal Linking Strategies

Benefits of Internal Linking

Internal links help users find more relevant content on your site. They also tell Google that your content is related and important, which can boost your rankings.

Creating Effective Internal Links

When you link to other pages on your site, use clear, descriptive anchor text (the clickable text). For example, instead of just saying “Click here,” say something like, “For more SEO tips, read our complete guide.

Here is our blog for SEO for Beginners: How to Start Optimising Your Website

Improving Page Load Speed

Why Page Speed Matters

A slow site can frustrate visitors and cause them to leave, which hurts your SEO. Google also uses page speed as a ranking factor.

For further reference read: 10 Proven Techniques to Increase Website Speed and Boost Performance

Optimising Page Speed

Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify issues. Simple things like compressing images or enabling browser caching can make a big difference.

Using Alt Text for Images

Importance of Alt Text

Alt text describes what’s in an image. It’s helpful for search engines and makes your site more accessible for users with visual impairments.

Writing Effective Alt Text

Make your alt text descriptive but concise. Include relevant keywords where appropriate, but avoid overstuffing.

Example: Instead of “image,” say “SEO dashboard showing keyword performance.”

Mobile Optimization Best Practices

Why Mobile-Friendliness is Crucial

Most web traffic now comes from mobile devices, so your site must be easy to use on smartphones and tablets. Google also prioritizes mobile-friendly sites.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

Use responsive design to ensure your site looks great on all screen sizes. Test your site on different devices to make sure it functions well.

Here is The Complete Guide to Mobile Performance Optimisation in 2024

Enhancing User Experience (UX)

Role of UX in SEO

A good user experience keeps visitors on your site longer, which can boost your rankings. Google looks at factors like how easy your site is to navigate and how quickly it loads.

Improving UX

Make sure your site is easy to navigate, with clear calls-to-action and a clean, readable design. Fast loading times and mobile-friendliness are also key.

Example: Simplify your menu and make buttons easy to click on mobile devices.

Frequently Asked Questions


By applying these 15 on-page SEO techniques, you’ll be on your way to better rankings and more organic traffic. Remember, SEO is about providing a great experience for your users and helping search engines understand your content. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your rankings rise.

DomainDotin offers the best SEO services around. We’re known as the top Digital Marketing Agency in Calicut, Kerala, and we’re also a leading choice in digital marketing agency in Kochi. Our focus is on providing high-quality SEO solutions to help your business grow. Check out our other Digital Marketing services to see how we can assist you further.

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  1. Pingback: SEO for Beginners 2024: How to Start Optimising Your Website

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