How E.E.A.T. Can Boost the Effectiveness of Your SEO Tactics

Much like a lighthouse guiding ships safely to shore, understanding E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) shines a beacon on effective SEO strategies. Gathering insights from industry leaders such as an SEO specialist and a CEO, this article explores nine vital perspectives. Discover how trust built through genuine knowledge forms the foundation and conclude with how focusing on experience and authority is crucial to SEO success.

Build Trust Through Real Knowledge

E.E.A.T. is all about showing Google and users that your content comes from a place of real knowledge, experience, and authority. This builds trust, which is vital for ranking well in today’s competitive SEO landscape. When people trust your site, they’re more likely to engage, which sends positive signals to search engines.

The strength of E.E.A.T. lies in the quality of your content and how it enhances both user experience and search visibility at the same time. It supports a strategy where content isn’t just optimized for keywords but also for credibility and relevance.

In the long run, this leads to better rankings, attracting quality backlinks, and more meaningful traffic.

Roy Michael Yungco, SEO Specialist, Fidelitas

Align With Google’s Focus on Credibility

EEAT is key to building trust with users and search engines. A website that shows expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness signals that its content is reliable and valuable. This encourages users to stay longer, share content, and return for more. Search engines notice these signals and boost rankings for sites that consistently deliver.

EEAT improves SEO visibility by aligning with Google’s focus on providing the best user experience. Search engines prioritize content from authoritative, experienced sources because it’s more credible. This leads to higher rankings, especially in areas like health, finance, or legal advice, where credibility is key.

Integrating EEAT into an SEO strategy improves rankings and fosters long-term user loyalty. When users trust a source, they’re more likely to return, boosting organic traffic and improving SEO.

Armen Davtyan, Head of SEO, Market Apartments

Mitigate Negative SEO Impacts

E-E-A-T is important because it helps mitigate the impact of negative SEO tactics, such as keyword stuffing and spammy backlink profiles. By prioritizing content that demonstrates real expertise and trustworthy sources, websites can maintain their integrity and rankings despite the ever-evolving nature of SEO tactics and algorithm updates. This creates a more stable and resilient online presence.

By focusing on E-E-A-T, SEO strategies can target more qualified leads. High-quality, authoritative content tends to attract visitors who are seeking reliable information, which can lead to higher conversion rates. This focus on quality over quantity ensures that SEO efforts attract users who are more likely to engage meaningfully with the brand.

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Prioritize E-E-A-T for Quality Content

Even though E-E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor for Google, they use E-E-A-T as a critical factor to assess the general quality of a web page. In other words, Google uses E-E-A-T to identify content that demonstrates aspects of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. The inclusion of E-E-A-T in Google’s documentation for “Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content” increases the importance of E-E-A-T.

E-E-A-T is on my priority list for my clients’ SEO campaigns, and it has positively impacted SEO performances. For example, I started working on an SEO campaign for an immigration lawyer and completed the following tasks:

  • Updated the About page to highlight their educational qualifications, other credentials, and experience in the field.
  • Old content was mostly updates on immigration changes. I created a new content calendar that focused on helping users understand the immigration requirements and what documentation is required for those requirements. The client created the articles to ensure accuracy and reflect first-hand experience with examples.
  • The articles also lacked published dates and author info; I added them to the template.
  • Acquired backlinks from sites in the legal space and managed to get a Wikipedia link by updating outdated information on the Wikipedia page and adding references to the immigration site, other reputed news outlets, and my client’s web page, which had up-to-date information on the subject matter.

All the content published based on the new content calendar rank on the first page and collectively own 50+ featured snippets, indicating the importance of considering E-E-A-T during content creation and overall SEO strategy.

Prabin Yonzon, SEO Consultant & Founder, T-Shaped Marketing

Amplify SEO Efforts with Real Expertise

While EEAT isn’t an actual ranking factor, according to Google, it’s very important to address and monitor. What they mean is that there is no “EEAT” metric in their system. However, the multitudes of factors that go into the EEAT concept are one of, if not the most important factor, in SEO.

EEAT is just a concept that determines how qualified your website is to provide information on the topic you’re covering. This is why high-authority and/or highly-topical websites typically have higher results than smaller websites, even if the content is technically better on the smaller websites.

Improving EEAT has a snowball effect and will help amplify every other SEO effort for your business. If someone searches for medical advice, Google wants to show them content written by a doctor or a health expert, not just anyone with a blog. So, when your website shows real expertise and builds trust, it’s more likely to get higher rankings, even if there isn’t a specific “EEAT score.”

Chris Burdick, Senior SEO Consultant & Strategist, Chris Burdick SEO

Showcase Credibility for Better Rankings

E-E-A-T is like the secret sauce for SEO. When I first learned about it, I thought, “Okay, just another buzzword,” but, man, was I wrong. It’s become essential, especially in industries where credibility is everything. Imagine writing amazing content, but no one trusts it—ouch, right?

I remember working on a site for a medical client. At first, we were pumping out decent content, but it wasn’t hitting the mark. Turns out, without a real expert backing it, Google wasn’t convinced. So, we brought in certified professionals, and boom! Our rankings improved dramatically. It was a total win, but also kind of a “duh” moment.

So, yeah, E-E-A-T is crucial because it shows both users and Google that your content isn’t just fluff; it’s the real deal.

Damilola Ademuyiwa, SEO Specialist, Dammy Ade

Focus on Experience and Authority

E-E-A-T, an acronym for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, plays a crucial role in SEO strategies, particularly in Google’s ranking systems. Originally introduced in Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, E-E-A-T provides a framework to assess the quality of content, helping websites build credibility and relevance.

Experience emphasizes the importance of first-hand knowledge in content creation. Google rewards content crafted by individuals who have direct experience in their field, as it ensures relevance and reliability. This aspect has become more crucial with the rise of AI-generated content. Demonstrating experience can be achieved through author bios, testimonials, and case studies.

Expertise focuses on the depth of knowledge presented. Content from recognized experts in a subject area ranks higher because it offers users valuable, accurate information. Demonstrating expertise through credentials, case studies, and industry engagement helps boost a website’s SEO performance.

Authoritativeness reflects how much a site or content creator is respected within their domain. Authority is earned through backlinks from reputable sites, engagement in professional communities, and media recognition. Google’s ranking system favors authoritative content because it signals reliability.

Trustworthiness is the foundation of E-E-A-T. It’s about creating transparent, honest, and reliable content. To establish trust, websites should reference credible sources, ensure factual accuracy, and maintain user transparency through privacy policies and secure transactions.

Integrating E-E-A-T into an SEO strategy means focusing on delivering high-quality, well-researched content, demonstrating real-world experience, building a strong backlink-profile, and maintaining transparency with users. By doing so, websites can improve search rankings and foster user trust in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Rasmus Schack, CEO, Onemedia

Boost Rankings by Building Trust

It’s a big deal for SEO because it helps search engines, like Google, determine if your content is worth showing people. When your website ticks all these boxes, it tells Google that your content is reliable, which boosts your rankings. For example, when we talk about buying metals at WealthProtector, people want to trust that their investments are safe. Our content reflects that expertise and authority, so users feel confident in what we offer.

From my experience working in marketing communications, I’ve seen that focusing on E-E-A-T builds a connection with the audience. It’s not just about keywords anymore; people are looking for brands they can trust. We focus on delivering solid, well-researched information that shows we know our stuff. That builds long-term trust, which is key in our industry, especially when dealing with high-value assets like gold and silver.

If you want to apply E-E-A-T to your SEO strategy, start by asking yourself: Are you an expert in your field? Do others see you as an authority? Are you consistently trustworthy? These are the pillars that make your content stand out. It’s about showing your expertise in every piece of content you put out there, whether it’s a blog post or a product page.

In the end, it’s simple. People trust you more when you provide them with accurate and helpful info. And the more they trust you, the more likely they are to come back. That’s what makes E-E-A-T such a game-changer in SEO strategies.

Kate Donskaia, Marketing Manager, Quantum Market Hub

E-E-A-T and Its Impact on SEO Success

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is a key part of modern SEO strategies. If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, it’s important to focus on these aspects because search engines, like Google, use them to evaluate the quality and reliability of your content.

To build E-E-A-T, start by demonstrating real expertise. If you’re in a specialized field like health or finance, have professionals create or review your content. This instantly boosts your credibility with both users and search engines. For instance, in a medical blog, content from certified doctors will always be valued higher than general information. Sharing first-hand experiences through case studies or client testimonials also adds a layer of trust.

Trustworthiness plays a critical role in E-E-A-T. Ensure your site is secure with features like an SSL certificate, display a privacy policy, and make your contact information easy to find. These are small steps, but they show transparency, which is key to building trust.

In industries where accuracy and reliability are crucial, such as legal services or healthcare, websites with strong E-E-A-T signals tend to rank higher. Focusing on these principles not only helps with search rankings but also strengthens your connection with your audience by showing you’re a trusted source.

 Adil Rafeeque, Digital Marketer


E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is no longer just a set of guidelines but a foundational pillar in SEO strategy. While it may not be a direct ranking factor, the elements it emphasizes play a crucial role in how search engines evaluate the quality and credibility of content. By embracing E-E-A-T principles, businesses can not only improve their rankings but also build trust and authority, leading to long-term success in SEO. Integrating experience, showcasing expertise, and fostering trustworthiness are essential for standing out in an increasingly competitive digital space.

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